
Brass for Africa – Good Shepherd Home

In 2009 Brass for Africa placed brass instruments into the home and helped initiate a music program for the children. The charity funds twice-weekly brass band lessons uniting everyone through the sound of music.

Towards the end of the week we were offered the chance to visit a different charity – Brass for Africa, which enabled the whole GSM team to experience another element of Uganda. In 2009 Brass for Africa placed brass instruments into the home and helped initiate a music program for the children. The charity funds twice-weekly brass band lessons uniting everyone through the sound of music.

The Good Shepherd Home is a residence for disabled adults and children in the middle of Mengo-Kisenyi, one of Kampala’s worst slums. Many of the residents have mental and physical disabilities; yet are all brought together through the love of music. As we form ourselves around music and have spent the week sampling the various musical instruments of Uganda, it seemed appropriate to see musicians starting at such a young age.

Although the day in Namuwongo was thought provoking, this was even more so. The use of music helps them to get through the struggles of their disabilities and gives them some enjoyment back. We were shown round the home and experienced first hand the struggles they face. Yet once they started to perform, it showed how the culture of music has helped them.

“I write to express my most sincere gratitude for the donation to Brass for Africa, which we received earlier this week. I can assure you that the funds will be used to further the charities aims of enabling young people and struggling communities through our music and humanitarian programmes.

Please keep up to date with our many developments on our website and facebook page but if you ever require more information please do not hesitate to contact me through the email address above.”

Yours sincerely
Pamela Trott – Brass for Africa

Blog post and Photography – Laura Holton



  • Zoom H6 - Stereo setup 2x DPA
  • GoPro 4 - Timelapse recording
  • LG 360 Camera


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