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UCLan’s Journey at Guizhou, China

今年1月,为了准备今年中国国际教育论坛配套活动——时装表演环节,UCLan服装专业的师生校友特意来到贵州千户苗寨,开展了为期一周的采风之旅,寻找能够融合中英特色的时装设计灵感。 For CSCSE China International Education Forum supporting activity-UCLan & BIFT Fashion show, UCLan Fashion Design staffs and students came to Qian’hu Miao Village, Guizhou for field research, looking for fashion design inspiration that can integrate Chinese and English features. 设计师们贵州的到此一游,似乎和我们大不相同呢?一份来自英国兰开夏的贵州旅游攻略在此奉上~ The Guizhou trip seems to be very different from general sightseeing trips. Now, let’s […]